“The Grand Inquisitor” is a poem (a story within a story) inside Fyodor Dostoevsky's novel The Brothers Karamazov.
This is a unique and unabridged 4-language edition of the poem (Russian, English, French, and German). The book contains illustrations by Yuri Seliverstov (1940-1990), an artist, thinker and connoisseur of Dostoevsky's creative heritage, as well as his commentary on his never-before-published "Triptych of a Triptych" graphic cycle (etching on zink), inspired by the poem.
Product details:
Author: Fyodor Dostoevsky | Introduction by A. R. Berg
Name: The Grand Inquisitor (a poem from The Brothers Karamazov)
Publisher: Culture of the World Fund
Genre: Fiction
Languages: Russian (original) + English, French, and German translations in the same edition
Dimensions: 284x189 mm
Length: 112 pages
Cover options: dark blue textured Dutch cloth || black moiré silk
ISBN: 5-7572-0106-1
Over 120 years have gone by since the publication of Fyodor Dostoevsky's last novel The Brothers Karamazov. It ends abruptly, breaking off in mid-sentence―as human lives often do. And much of what he wanted to tell us will forever remain shrouded in mystery...
Having a presentiment of his imminent departure from this world, Dostoevsky decided to commit his innermost thoughts to paper. And so he created a masterpiece―a poem called "The Grand Inquisitor".
According to one writer of memoirs, Dostoevsky used to say that the subject of that legend was extremely significant to him and that he had nurtured it deep within his heart nearly all his life. Dostoevsky maintained that "The Grand Inquisitor" was the apex of his creative work and that to him it was even more important than the novel The Brothers Karamazov.
It would be quite logical to view "The Grand Inquisitor" as Dostoevsky's concluding message to humanity...
―A. R. Berg

Table of Contents | 4 Sections
1. Содержание
А. Р. Басов, "Пророчество и предостережение"
Ф. М. Достоевский, "Великий инквизитор" (Original)
Комментарий Ю. И. Селиверстова к графическому циклу "Триптих триптиха", посвященному поэме "Великий инквизитор"
2. Contents
A. R. Basov, A Prophecy and a Warning
F. M. Dostoevsky, The Grand Inquisitor (Translated by Constance Garnett, 1948)
Commentary by Yuri Seliverstov on the graphic cycle “Triptych of a triptych”, dedicated to the poem “The Grand Inquisitor” by F. M. Dostoevsky
3. Sommaire
A. R. Basov, Prophetie et mise en garde
F. M. Dostoïevski, Le Grand Inquisiteur (Introduction par Pierre Pascal, 1952)
Commintaire de Y. I. Séliverstov au cycle graphique “Triptyque du triptyque” consacré au poeme de F. M. Dostoïevski “Grand Inquisiteur”
4. Inhaltsversverzeichnis
A. R. Bassow, Prophezeiung und Warnung
F. M. Dostojewski, Der Grossinquisitor (Aus dem russischen Durchgesehene übersetzung von H. Röhe, 1972)
Bildkommentare von Jurij Seliwerstow zum Grafikzyklus “Triptychon des Triptychons”, das das Poem von F. M. Dostojewskij “Der Grossinquisitor” zum Gegenstand hat

One of Yuri Seliverstov's illustrations inspired by "The Grand Inquisitor": the eyes of Christ and the Grand Inquisitor, surrounded by guards and servants, meet above the crowd.
(central part of the second triptych)