The Samurai book Series by A. R. Berg
Samurai ebooks
The Samurai book series is an extensive study of bushido; the books describe the historical evolution and philosophy of the Japanese Warrior in great detail. Currently the first two volumes are available in English as ebooks. You can take a look at the book series reviews & send us yours!

samurai: ascension ebook
(volume I)
Author: A. R. Berg
Title: Samurai I: Ascension
Language: English
Length: 605 pages | 38 chapters
Read a few chapters here!
First edition (2020)
A protected PDF eBook
compatible with iOS, Android, PC & Mac
Illustrated (8 color illustrations and multible b/w illustrations)
For mobile & desktop
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The image of the samurai, those stoic warriors, is shrouded in mystery. Their tracks can easily vanish in the past or become obscured in the future, but stay firmly rooted in our minds and in reality as they fearlessly follow the Way of the Warrior beyond time and space. The samurai spirit is still burning. Thousands of years from today the samurai might still contemplate the Beauty of Eternity during tea ceremony or open their eyes wide and smile in their Zero fighters enveloped in flames.
Are they ghosts of the past or messengers of the future? Who were these worshipers of beauty? These creators of an aesthete-murderer culture who lived on a razor’s edge and reveled in the taste of blood? Who were these valiant and virtuous warrior-philosophers who achieved ultimate freedom by rising above life and death?
Let us try to reassemble this mosaic to uncover their Way and the manner in
which they created a heroic, vivid, and distinct model of existence that not only seems alien to us, but is antagonistic to our current reality.

samurai: Spirit of the Warrior ebook
(volume II)
Author: A. R. Berg
Title: Samurai II: Spirit of the Warrior. The Philosophy of Will
Language: English
Length: 496 pages | 55 chapters
Read a few chapters here!
Second edition (2018)
A protected PDF eBook
compatible with iOS, Android, PC & Mac
Illustrated (8 color illustrations and multible b/w illustrations)
For mobile & desktop
Revised edition
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Initially released in 2004, Spirit of the Warrior has become the handbook of admirers of the bushido Wisdom. It is popular among those who practice martial arts as well as those who have an interest in medieval studies or our life from a spiritual point of view. For what did the great warriors of Japan live and die? What is the sacred mission of a samurai? What is truly essential not only for a medieval Japanese knight, but also for every true man of any epoch? You will find the answers to these questions in the new book, Spirit of the Warrior: The Philosophy of Will by A. R. Berg. Spirit of the Warrior is a creative research on the legacy of samurai. It contains numerous aphorisms and sayings of Japanese warriors, stories and philosophical reflections. The focus of the book is the concept of Will―the basis of bushido. The book casts light on several aspects of the esoteric Samurai Doctrine which cannot be missed if you truly seek to comprehend bushido...

Samurai: Legend ebook
(Volume III)
Author: A. R. Berg
Title: Samurai III: Legend
Language: English
Length: 397 pages | 98 chapters
Read a few chapters here!
First edition (2024)
A protected PDF eBook
compatible with iOS, Android, PC & Mac
Illustrated (8 color illustrations and multible b/w illustrations)
For mobile & desktop
Revised edition
The book is not printable. The book is not compatible with Kindle and other e-book readers!
Read the book with free Starforce Reader App!
A very special breed has always existed within humankind: warriors who rise to daunting challenges, act, struggle and
persevere. They are a distinguished breed
forming the heart of the human race. Throughout the ages, their distinctive colour
has been red and their element fire. Warriors have always rallied around a single creed, tradition and heroic faith. Indeed, heroism is a phenomenon of a higher order which is fundamentally linked to being human and most distinguishes us from other creatures. This book asserts that Bushido exemplifies the concept of heroic living and logically defines and explains phenomena that have existed in our minds for thousands of years. Since the heroic concept of living is truly universal and immense, this book will transcend the boundaries of Bushido awareness. It will plunge into the past to anchor the present, as well as imagine the future prospects of heroic philosophy and mythology. Heroic consciousness is the key, eternal and true religion of elevated humans from all times. Heroism is a key to the Gates of Eternity inscribed with the flaming sign of the Warrior.
Be a Samurai –
Be relentless!
Smelling the chrysanthemums,
Be ready to draw your last breath the following moment.
Then and only then
You are worthy of being a Warrior,
Of being a Samurai!
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